Mindful Self-Care

Meditation is not easy, and it can be scary for anyone addicted to thinking. Meditation is an exercise in not thinking. We are forced to be alone with ourselves without our intellect as a safety net.

Social Media and the Meta-Life

"Multitasking in the Park," by David Goehring

meta-, prefix 1. Denoting change, transformation, permutation, or substitution. (“meta-, prefix.” OED Online,. Oxford University Press, March 2014. Web. 9 May 2014) The impulse is simple enough. I begin to read Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers. After a few pages, I put down the book, pick up my phone, and open the Twitterific app. Nothing wrong …

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Diaries as Mindfulness

One of my intentions for 2014 is to do a better job of showing up for my own life. Below is an entry from the diaries of my great aunt Hattie, who teaches me daily about the power of paying attention to each day, valuing it, embracing it, and recording it without judgment: 1934, January …

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While the Music Lasts

The Wisdom of Insecurity

I had planned to follow up on my previous post about The Wisdom of Insecurity (by Alan Watts), but Maria Popova did it so well at Brain Pickings that I defer to her piece, where she writes, “Watts argues that the root of our human frustration and daily anxiety is our tendency to live for the …

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