(Your) Words Matter: If not now, when?

We can embrace this moment, this time, however fractured and uncertain we feel, as an opportunity to figure out who we really are. If we are writers or artists of any kind who have never truly committed to a creative life, then we need to be that person. Now. Today. One or one hundred or one thousand words at a time. That’s how we not only persist but thrive.

Social Media, Politics, and Staying Sane

I have a new piece at Medium on whether to discuss politics on social media sites – On Social Media: Why I Choose to Discuss Politics (and how not to). The post also includes resources and ideas for how to use groups, lists, and other strategies to compartmentalize political discussion (or avoid it altogether!).

So many passions, so little time!

“[E]mbrace your many passions. Follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes. Explore your intersections. Embracing our inner wiring leads to a happier, more authentic life.” ~ Emilie Wapnick A Facebook reader messaged me recently about interests and personal growth: “I had many different interests and talents in my childhood so that was always a challenge to …

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