Who do you think you are?

Part of my Summer Writing Reset has involved blog clean-up and sorting through posts for topics that I need to revisit. The following is updated from 2012. Also see my post on this topic at Psychology Today. Header photo credit: Ned Potter via CC BY 2.0 Who do you think you are? It seems a …

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Allowing ourselves to be seen

Following up on Monday’s post regarding perfectionism, this 2010 TEDx talk from Brené Brown on vulnerability and the courage to allow ourselves to be seen—and for our words to be read—seems particularly useful. “The only people who don’t experience shame have no capacity for human empathy or connection. No one wants to talk about it, and …

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Mid-2017 Perspective Taking

If we truly commit to finding and nurturing our core, to honoring our” true selves, our quirks and foibles,” and to taking “great leaps into the unknown,” we also must commit not only to imperfection but also to uncertainty.

The Myth of the Ideal Writing Time and Place

DIY Summer Writing Retreat graphic

“Perhaps the lesson is this — put aside the notion of an ideal time and place to exercise your craft. Just write wherever you are, whenever you can. If you have a routine, a sacred space or anything else that lends to your writing experience, good. But when you get down to it, writing is about putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, whenever, wherever you can.” ~ Victoria C. Slotto

DIY Summer Writing Retreat graphicThis post is part of the DIY Summer Writing Retreat blog series, with daily posts Monday through Friday. Subscribe to receive full-length new posts in your inbox or catch them on my Facebook page.