Artists, know who you are

“The only thing I want to do is to create art.”

If you are an artist of any kind, and especially if you struggle with doing what is necessary to make room in your life for your art, be strengthened by these words:

“Just like this water, I know in which direction I want to flow. As I have worked through my artwork, my vision becomes clearer and clearer. As it becomes clearer, I am finding it easier and easier to express this vision in the form of painting or prints. I know who I am. I know that I only want to dive deeper and deeper towards a pure expression of my inner reality. I am bolder in striving to reach that goal.

The only thing I want to do is to create art. I am already working towards a point of being able to quit my day job to do just that. I have no interest in busying my mind with anything less. I don’t want to run an art gallery or art supplies store—anything outside of creating art for me is a distraction.” ~ Denise Presnell-Weidner

By Denise Presnell-Weidner. Visit her website at
By Denise Presnell-Weidner

I first met Denise Presnell-Weidner when our children both took skating lessons. Denise is an artist is every sense of the word, and I am grateful that even though our paths no longer cross at skating rinks, I can keep up with her and her work through social media.

While I was enchanted and impressed by her work when I saw her home basement studio several years ago, her work has matured and expanded in ways since then that leave me breathless. They pull me into them, and I don’t want to leave. You can see more by visiting her website and Facebook page.

How many of us know in our hearts what we need to do to be true to ourselves but have not yet created the life that makes it possible? The creation of such a life of artistic meaning is a process, not something we do overnight, and it is different for everyone, but it always involves letting some things go to make room for what matters.

The first step is to admit to ourselves who we are.

2 thoughts on “Artists, know who you are”

  1. Thanks for posting – and adding your thoughts to what was just a Facebook post a few days back. I have always wondered if our stark, midwestern plains upbringing didn’t add to our kindred spirits. I know we both had to look inside for entertainment often back in Nebraska and South Dakota.

    • Denise, I know just what you mean about kindred Plains spirits and how that experience shaped who we are, how we think. So much delicious space and alone time…

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